Все материалы на этой странице — реальные задания Герценовской олимпиады по английскому языку, встречавшиеся в финалах олимпиады для 8–11 классов с 2012 года по настоящее время.  

Writing an Essay — 29

Выберите одну из двух ситуаций и напишите эссе объемом в 200–250 слов по предложенной теме.

  1. Oxford Dictionary called “Youthquake”, which means “significant cultural, political, or social change arising from the actions or influence of young people’, the most popular word in the English-speaking world in 2017. In which way can young people affect life in their country? Illustrate your point of view with the examples of such influence in russia and in an English-speaking country.
  2. What tree words can you use to characterize the English nation? Justify your point of view and give examples.
Источник (по ссылке загрузится архив .rar):
Герценовская 2017/18, финал, 8–11 классы, вариант 1.

Скачать это задание (PDF).

Writing an Essay — 43

Выберите одну из двух ситуаций и напишите эссе объемом в 200–250 слов по предложенной теме.

  1. The year 2020 was announced “The year of memory and glory” in Russia. What does historical memory mean for you and why is it important to preserve it? Justify your point of view.
  2. Many people in Europe nowadays prefer a scooter or an electric scooter to other means of transport. However, some road users are annoyed with these vehicles. What is your opinion on the problem of using these popular means of transport on the roads? Justify your point of view.

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