На этой странице собраны задания по письму, встречавшиеся на олимпиадах 2016/17.

Writing a Report — 31

(40 minutes, 250–300 words)

Imagine that your school magazine has a weekly column called “Don’t worry, Be Healthy!”. As part of their investigation into healthy lifestyle of young people, they have asked you to write a report based on the results of your own survey demonstrated in the graph below.

In your report say:

  1. who participated in the survey;
  2. what changes and trends can be seen comparing the data of 2010 and 2017;
  3. what are the reasons of such changes;
  4. how the situation might develop in the future.

Do not forget to follow the rules of report writing and use an appropriate style.

Report 31 Chart 1

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Writing a Report — 32

Представьте, что вы — журналист-обозреватель. Вам поручено подготовить небольшую статью на основе предоставленных аналитиками графических данных. Напишите статью объемом не менее 200 слов по обозначенной проблеме. Не забудьте предложить заголовок.

The chart shows the division of household tasks by gender in Great Britain.

Report 32 Chart 1

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Writing a Report — 6


Time: 1 hour 15 minutes

Write a report to your English Club event organizers based on the chart below. Give recommendations what should be done to increase students’ attendance and participation in school events.

Use the following words in your report:

  • affect
  • fluctuate
  • percent
  • percentage
  • trend

Underline the required words when used in your report.

Remember to:

  • make an introduction;
  • summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features (2 or more);
  • make comparisons where relevant (2 or more);
  • give recommendations (2 or more);
  • make a conclusion


Write 220–250 words (the words in the title are not counted).

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Writing a Review — 3


Time: 40 minutes

(15 scores)

Write a short review of your favourite play by William Shakespeare for your school magazine.

Write the title of the play at the beginning on a separate line (words are not counted in this line).

Remember to mention in your review:

  • why you like the play;
  • which character in the play you would most like to meet and why;
  • why you should stage the play at your school theatre.

Write 100–140 words.

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Writing a Story — 5

Part 4. Writing

Time: 45 minutes (20 scores)

You are going to take part in a school competition “Golden Pen”. You have to write a story based on the picture given and using the words:

  • paw(s)
  • graceful
  • hesitated

Describe events in an entertaining way. Please underline the given words in the story.

Write 180–200 words.

Story 5

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Writing an Article — 14


Time: 1 hour 30 minutes

You have seen this advertisement in an international youth magazine:

Tell us about a successful person you know and admire. What does success really mean? What helps people to be successful?

We will publish the most interesting articles next month.

Write your article in 300–350 words (including the title) in an appropriate style.

In your article:

  • Make sure the following picture illustrates the main idea of your article:
  • Use 1–2 quotations from the list of quotations:

The difference between winning and losing is most often not quitting. (Walt Disney)

I find that the harder I work the more luck I seem to have. (Thomas Jefferson)

It often requires more courage to dare to do right than to fear to do wrong.  (Abraham Lincoln)

Be yourself. Everyone else is already taken. (Oscar Wilde)

Success does not consist in never making mistakes but in never making the same one a second time.(George Bernard Shaw)

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Writing an Article — 4

Imagine that you are a journalist who is writing an illustrated article for a magazine “The Youth of Today” on one of the topics below.

  1. Motivation for studying
  2. The role of social networks in our lives
  3. Using tablet-PCs in the classroom

You need to use 6 pictures for your article (you can choose any 6 pictures from the table below).

Don’t forget to:

  • choose the topic of the article and write a headline;
  • write an introduction (you do not need a photo for an introduction);
  • choose 6 pictures for your illustrated article, put them in the right order and comment on every picture in 2-4 sentences;
  • write a conclusion (you do not need a photo for a conclusion).

Total: 220–360 words.













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Writing an Article — 6

Part 4 (25 minutes)

Maximum points — 15


In an English-language magazine you saw the following announcement about a competition and decided to participate in it.

Welcome to the Internet!

Win a brand new laptop plus all the essential software and a year's free Internet access.

Write and tell us about the changes the Internet has brought about in the tourism industry in our country.

We will publish the winning article in next month's issue.

Write your competition article.

In your article you should:

  • start with a title;
  • make an introduction;
  • mention at least two positive and two negative changes the Internet has brought in the tourism industry in our country;
  • write if people can rely on the Internet when they travel;
  • give your ideas what the future for the Internet will be in the tourism industry in our country;
  • make a conclusion.

Write 180–200 words.

Дополнительное упражнение

Прочтите написанную по заданию статью, в которой на 69 слов больше, чем нужно. Сократите статью, сохранив мысли автора. Внесите необходимые, по вашему мнению, исправления и улучшения.

The tourism industry in Russia is undergoing considerable changes recently, and one of the most important factors responsible for them is the Internet. Being an inevitable part of our everyday life, the Internet does both good and harm to the tourism development.

Let’s start with the positive side. Now that the information is easily available, many foreigners are no longer prisoners of stereotypes like bears, awful frosts and all Russians being blond. Consequently, people from other countries get more interested in our culture and tend to travel here to study it deeply. This is when the Internet helps again: giving the traveller an opportunity to book tickets and hotel rooms conveniently, providing them with instant access to essential information like departure and landing time, opening hours, hotels and restaurants reviews, it makes travelling easier and more convenient. It is reliable, too. The information stored there doesn’t disappear like a piece of paper can, and nowadays you can have access to the world wide web almost anywhere.

However, not everything is so good. The negative changes that the Internet has brought are the continuation of its positive ones. Having information at hand, tourists prefer visiting the places which have most favourable reviews, leaving the rest behind. Thus, the Internet adds to the uneven coverage of places of interest. Besides, it can’t be called useful to those who don’t build their business basing themselves on modern technology. It leads to traditional travelling businesses dying out.

Whatever the impact tourism might have, it definitely is going to continue developing and occupying more and more space in every sphere, tourism being no exception.

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Writing an E-mail — 1

Part 4

Maximum points – 15


Imagine yesterday you arranged to go to the cinema with your friend. Unfortunately, you couldn't get to the cinema as you had to take your pet to a vet.

Write an e-mail to your friend.

In your e-mail you should:

  • greet your friend;
  • apologize for not getting to the cinema; explain why you didn't come;
  • suggest meeting another time;
  • suggest where you could go.

Write 80–100 words.

Remember the rules of e-mail writing.

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Writing an Essay — 26

Read the following task and write an essay.

Provide the comparison and contrast of how two writers/poets view an important theme/issue.

Which two writers/poets represent opposing views on nature?

Paragraph 1, the introduction, must contain brief information on the chosen writers/poets, the literary movement and the epoch they belong to as well as the scope of aspects to be analyzed.

Paragraphs 2 and 3 must contain the analysis of the chosen writers’/poets’ views on the theme/issue under consideration. Each paragraph must start with the topic sentence (the main idea of the paragraph). Each paragraph must contain at least 2 examples/arguments supporting your analysis.

Paragraph 4, the conclusion, must contain your own perspective on the theme/issue.

Write at least 300 words.

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Writing an Essay — 27

Read the following task and write an essay.

Provide the comparison and contrast of how two writers/poets view an important theme/issue.

Which two writers/poets represent opposing views on the Russian/British national character?

Paragraph 1, the introduction, must contain brief information on the chosen writers/poets, the literary movement and the epoch they belong to as well as the scope of aspects to be analyzed.

Paragraphs 2 and 3 must contain the analysis of the chosen writers’/poets’ views on the theme/issue under consideration. Each paragraph must start with the topic sentence (the main idea of the paragraph). Each paragraph must contain at least 2 examples/arguments supporting your analysis.

Paragraph 4, the conclusion, must contain your own perspective on the theme/issue.

Write at least 300 words.

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Writing an Essay — 4


Time: 60 minutes

(30 scores)

Comment on the following quotation.

"All that glitters is not gold.".

William Shakespeare

Write 200–250 words.

Use the following plan:.

  • explain how you understand the author's point of view;
  • express your personal opinion and give 2–3 reasons in its support;
  • give examples to illustrate your reasons, using your personal experience, literature or background knowledge;
  • make a conclusion.

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