На этой странице собраны материалы, имеющие отношение к теме «ученики, студенты».

Writing a Report — 14

You won the most prestigious English Language Olympiad and came back home with an idea of organising a training course for those who want to prepare for language competitions.

Write a proposal report to the local authorities, outlining your project. Make sure to include the following points:

  • what you intend to do;
  • what kind of support you expect from the authorities;
  • why your project will benefit the local area.

Write about 250–300 words.

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Writing a Report — 18

(60 minutes, 250–300 words)

An English magazine has a weekly column called “Education in the 21st century”. As part of their new investigation into educational issues, they have asked you to write a report based on your own research of the second language rates among students in 2005-2014 in the UK.

In your report:

  1. Compare the rates of German, French, Spanish and Polish in 2005 and 2014.
  2. Explain the changes in rates.
  3. Name the possible future changes regarding the choice of a second language in the


Do not forget to follow the rules of report writing and use an appropriate style.

Report 18 Chart 1

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Writing a Report — 2


Time: 1 hour 15 minutes

Imagine that you are doing a project on how students in the USA spend their time on an average weekday. You have collected some data on the subject (see the charts below). Write a brief report describing the data. Try to use all the information given and compare the data for 2014 and 2015.

Use the following words in your report (put them in the correct grammar form if necessary):

  1. assess
  2. extracurricular
  3. catch on
  4. pursuit
  5. substitute

Underline the required words when used in your report.

Write 220–250 words.

Use the following plan:

  • make an opening statement
  • give some general information and outline most significant trends – compare the information given in the charts
  • make a conclusion



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Writing a Report — 21

(60 minutes, 250–300 words)

An English magazine has a weekly column called “Education in the 21st century”. As part of their new investigation into educational issues, they have asked you to write a report based on your own research of the modern preferences of British students who take national exams in secondary education (GCSE).

In your report:

  1. Compare the rates of Biology, Computer Studies and Foreign Languages in 2000 and 2014.
  2. Explain the changes in rates.
  3. Name the possible future changes in the education of the UK.

Do not forget to follow the rules of report writing and use an appropriate style.

Report 21 Chart 1

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Writing a Report — 28

ILang Language School is going to launch a new course in the Russian language for English-speaking students. There are two branches of the course: Russian Energy (target audience — young people aged 18–24) and Russian Relax (target audience — pensioners, aged 60–70). Head of the school has asked you to prepare a report on how to organize the advertising campaign for the course.

Study the chart below and write a report (200–250 words) giving your recommendations on how to promote the course. In your report:

  • give precise instructions / recommendations;
  • explain why you recommend this course of action.

Report 28 Chart 1

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Writing a Report — 29

Write a reportabout young people volunteering. Your report should be based on the diagrams below and comment on the popularity of volunteering among students, on the popularity of its different spheres and on motivational aspects of volunteering.

Use the following words in your report:

  • source
  • under
  • percent
  • percentage
  • serve

Underline the required words when used in your report.

Remember to:

  • make an introduction;
  • summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features of all the three diagrams;
  • make comparisons where relevant;
  • make a conclusion.


Write 200–250 words (the words in the title are not counted).

Picture 1

Picture 2

Picture 3

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Writing a Report — 41

TASK 5. WRITING (60 points)

(40 minutes, 250-300 words)

Imagine that your school magazine has a weekly column called“Education Today”. As part of their investigation into modern trends, they have asked you to write a news report based on the results of your own survey demonstrated in the table below.

 In your report say:

  1. who participated in the survey;
  2. what changes or trends can be seen comparing the data in the table below;
  3. what are the possible reasons for such trends;
  4. how the situation might develop in the future.

Remember the rules of news report writing. Make sure your report has:

- a headline

- a byline and a placeline

- a lead paragraph  

- body paragraphs

- a conclusion


Олимпиада «Покори Воробьёвы горы!» 2019/20, финал, 10–11 классы, вариант 6.

Report 41 Chart 1

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Writing a Report — 48

(40 minutes, 250–300 words)

Imagine that your school magazine has a weekly column called "Education Today". As part of their investigation into modern trends, they have asked you to write a news report based on the results of your own survey demonstrated in the table below.

In your report say:

  1. who participated in the survey; 
  2. what changes and trends can be seen comparing the data in the table below; 
  3. what are the possible reasons for such trends; 
  4. how the situation might develop in the future. 

Remember the rules of news report writing. Make sure your report has:

  • a headline
  • a byline and a placeline
  • a lead paragraph
  • body paragraphs
  • a conclusion

Report 48 Chart 1

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Writing a Report — 6


Time: 1 hour 15 minutes

Write a report to your English Club event organizers based on the chart below. Give recommendations what should be done to increase students’ attendance and participation in school events.

Use the following words in your report:

  • affect
  • fluctuate
  • percent
  • percentage
  • trend

Underline the required words when used in your report.

Remember to:

  • make an introduction;
  • summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features (2 or more);
  • make comparisons where relevant (2 or more);
  • give recommendations (2 or more);
  • make a conclusion


Write 220–250 words (the words in the title are not counted).

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Writing an Essay — 11

Блок IV. WRITING TASK (30 баллов)


Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Why or why not?

Write 120–150 words in the space below and then transfer your answers to the answer sheet.

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Writing an Essay — 21

Блок 6.

Discuss the following question.

Should parents decide for their children what university to go to?

Provide an equal number of arguments for and against. Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your knowledge or experience.

Write your essay in 230–250 words.

«Ломоносов» 2014/15, финал, 10–11 классы, вариант 2.
(по ссылке откроется архив .zip)

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