Все материалы на этой странице — реальные задания олимпиады «Покори Воробьёвы горы!» по английскому языку, встречавшиеся на отборочных этапах для 10–11 классов с 2012 года по настоящее время. 

Writing a News Report — 8

Imagine that this is the year of CULTURAL HERITAGE in Russia and all over the world and you, being a news reporter, have to write a news article (200–250 words) describing the two pictures below. Your correct answer gives you 40 points.

Follow the plan:

  1. Name the date and the places.
  2. Describe the places in the pictures.
  3. Signify the importance of these places.
  4. Make up some special events held there.

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Writing a News Report — 9

Imagine that this is the year of CULTURAL HERITAGE in Russia and all over the world and you, being a news reporter, have to write a news article (200–250 words) describing the two pictures below. Your correct answer gives you 40 points.

Follow the plan:

  1. Name the date and the places.
  2. Describe the places in the pictures.
  3. Signify the importance of these places.
  4. Make up some special events held there.

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Writing an Essay — 17

Блок 2. Творческое задание

Task 4.Read a part of a haiku poem below. Write an essay (250–300 words) speculating on its meaning.

Do follow the plan of an opinion essay and include an introduction, a body and a conclusion into your work. Your correct answer gives you 30 points.

I wonder why

Large ears only listen

To; worthless gossip...

(Kiku: To listen)

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Writing an Essay — 18

Блок 2. Творческое задание

Task 4.Read a part of a haiku poem below. Write an essay (250–300 words) speculating on its meaning.

Do follow the plan of an opinion essay and include an introduction, a body and a conclusion into your work. Your correct answer gives you 30 points.

Today; few strangers see

The first step of friendship

Is mutual respect...

(Sonkei: Respect)

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