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Копилка упражнений по письму

Вы попали в копилку, хранящую самое ценное для желающих научиться писать — упражнения. Здесь нет никакой теории, иронии, рассуждений — только суровая практика. Можете выбрать задание сами, а можете воспользоваться рандомизатором.

  • Essays

    • essay 1 (Thomas and his mother)
    • essay 2 — olympic (libraries, задание Всеросса, МЭ, 9–11 классы)
    • essay 3 — olympic (elderly people, задание Всеросса, ШЭ, 9–11 классы)
    • essay 4 — olympic (Shakespeare quotation, задание Всеросса, МЭ, 9–11 классы)
    • essay 5 (getting ready for exams)
    • essay 6 — olympic (campaigns against smoking, задание ПВГ, финал, 10–11 классы)
    • essay 7 — olympic (exams should be cancelled, задание ПВГ, финал, 10–11 классы)
    • essay 8 — olympic (children shouldn't judge parents, задание ПВГ, финал, 10–11 классы)
    • essay 9 — olympic (too much knowledge, задание ПВГ, финал, 10–11 классы)
    • essay 10 — olympic (women can't be equal to men, задание ПВГ, финал, 10–11 классы)
    • essay 11 — olympic (gap year, задание ПВГ, финал, 10–11 классы)
    • essay 12 — olympic (computers VS teachers, задание ПВГ, финал, 10–11 классы)
    • essay 13 — olympic (dangerous sports should be banned, задание ПВГ, финал, 10–11 классы)
    • essay 14 (children are born with equal intelligence)
    • essay 15 (Wayne Gretzky quotation, skating to where the pluck is going to be)
    • essay 16 — olympic (based on a haiku poem about courage, задание ПВГ, отбор, 5–9 классы)
    • essay 17 — olympic (based on a haiku poem about gossip, задание ПВГ, отбор, 10–11 классы)
    • essay 18 — olympic (based on a haiku poem about respect, задание ПВГ, отбор, 10–11 классы)
    • essay 19 — olympic (for and against; weapons, задание Ломоносова, финал, 10–11 классы)
    • essay 20 (for and against; appearance and character)
    • essay 21 — olympic (for and against; should parents decide what university to go to, задание Ломоносова, финал, 10–11 классы)
    • essay 22 (comment on a statement + summary of two short texts; we make our own luck)
    • essay 23 (comment on the meaning of a poem by Wengy Cope)
    • essay 24 — olympic (opinion; comparing book characters, задание олимпиады «Ломоносов», финал, 10–11 классы)
    • essay 25 — olympic (opinion; comparing writers, задание олимпиады «Ломоносов», финал, 10–11 классы)
    • essay 26 — olympic (opinion; comparing writers, задание олимпиады «Ломоносов», финал, 10–11 классы)
    • essay 27 — olympic (opinion; comparing writers, задание олимпиады «Ломоносов», финал, 10–11 классы)
    • essay 28 (bioprinters; based on a given text)
    • essay 29 — olympic (opinion; two topics to choose from, задание Герценовской олимпиады, финал, 8–11 классы)
    • essay 30 — olympic (opinion, based on a quote; задание Плехановской олимпиады, финал, 10–11 классы)
  • Articles

    • article 1 (illustrated, based on photos);
    • article 2 — olympic (illustrated, based on photos, задание Высшей пробы, финал, 10–11 классы);
    • article 3 — olympic (illustrated, based on photos, задание Высшей пробы, финал, 11 класс);
    • article 4 — olympic (illustrated, based on photos, задание Высшей пробы, финал, 10–11 классы);
    • article 5 (euphemisms, based on an audio);
    • article 6 — olympic (tourism and Internet, based on an announcement, задание ШЭ, 7–8 классы);
    • article 7 — olympic (libraries, short article, задание ШЭ, 7–8 классы);
    • article 8 (illustrated, based on photos);
    • article 9 (analyzing puns);
    • article 10 (advice on how to prepare for Olympiads);
    • article 11 (based on a title);
    • article 12 (balloons, advice, based on a video);
    • article 13 (a day in New York, advice, based on a video);
    • article 14 — olympic (success, opinion article, based on a picture and quotations);
    • article 15 (risk, opinion article, based on a picture and quotations);
    • article 16 (cognitive abilities, based on two short texts);
    • article 17 (being real; based on an audio and text);
    • article 18 (failure, opinion article, based on a picture and quotations);
  • Reports

    Авторские задания

    • report 1 (compliments in Disney movies);
    • report 4 (talk in Disney movies);
    • report 13 (changing colour card trick, based on a video and a chart);
    • report 14 (proposal; organising language courses);
    • report 28 (evaluation / recommendation; organising advertising campaign).
    • report 29 (diagram analysis; volunteering);
    • report 30 (report about the Job Orientation Day; based on texts and notes).

    Задания Всероссийской олимпиады школьников

    • report 27 (report about the International Day, ЗЭ, 9–11 классы).
    • report 2 (students time use comparison, РЭ, 9–11 классы);
    • report 3 (games for English Learners, РЭ, 9–11 классы);
    • report 6 (reasons to go to school events, РЭ, 9–11 классы).
    • report 25 (customer complaints analysis, МЭ, 9–11 классы).

    Задания олимпиады «Покори Воробьевы горы!»

    ПВГ 2016/17, финал, 10–11 классы:

    ПВГ 2015/16, финал, 10–11 классы:

    • report 5 (teenagers' leisure activities)
    • report 7 (teenagers and fast food)
    • report 8 (modern values among teenagers)
    • report 9 (how teenagers spend summer holidays)
    • report 10 (efficient forms of classwork)
    • report 11 (preferences in places to study at)
    • report 12 (preferences in the source of information)

    ПВГ 2014/15, финал, 10–11 классы:

    • report 16 (top popular tourist spots in London among teenagers)
    • report 17 (preferences in secondary education: chemistry and foreign languages)
    • report 18 (second language rates among students)
    • report 19 (average age to get married)
    • report 20 (purposes of visiting the UK by Russian schoolchildren)
    • report 21 (preferences in secondary education: biology, computer studies, foreign languages)
    • report 22 (purposes of visiting the UK by European schoolchildren)
    • report 23 (numbers of boys and girls who took national exams in Computer Studies)
    • report 24 (numbers of boys and girls who took national exams in Foreign Languages)

    Прочие олимпиадные задания

    • report 15 (sharing impressions of the course; задание олимпиады «Учитель школы будущего»);
    • report 32 (household tasks, men and women — article/report; задание финала Ведомственной олимпиады).
  • Stories

    • story 1 (set beginning, set words for title);
    • story 2 — olympic (set beginning, задание Всеросса, МЭ, 7–8 классы);
    • story 3 — olympic (set vocabulary, задание Всеросса, РЭ, 9–11 классы);
    • story 4 — olympic (set beginning, задание Всеросса, ШЭ, 7–8 классы);
    • story 5 — olympic (set vocabulary, based on a photo, задание Всеросса, МЭ, 7–8 классы);
    • story 6 — olympic (based on a photo, задание ПВГ, финал 5–9 классы);
    • story 7 — olympic (based on a photo, задание Всеросса, ЗЭ, 9–11 классы);
    • story 8 (based on a photo);
    • story 9 (anagrams, any subject);
    • story 10 (illustrated, three topics to choose from);
    • story 11 (three topics to choose from; superpowers);
    • story 12 (set phrase; Hemingway's shortest novel);
    • story 13 (based on a photo);
    • story 14 (set characters);
    • story 15 — olympic (write the ending, задание СПбГУ, 10–11 классы);
    • story 16 — olympic (given ending, задание Евразийской олимпиады, 10–11 классы);
    • story 17 — olympic (set vocabulary, задание олимпиады «Учитель школы будущего», 10–11 классы).
    • story 18 — olympic (based on an idiom, Высшая проба, финал 2018/19, 11 класс).
    • story 24 — olympic (based on an idiom, Высшая проба, финал 2019/20, 11 класс).
  • Fairy Tales

  • Descriptions

  • Emails

    • e-mail 1 — olympic (explaining that you can't go to the cinema; задание ШЭ для 5-6 классов).
  • Letters

    • letter 1 (complaints about the Moon);
    • letter 2 (advertisement + complaint);
    • letter 3 (writing to your parents about your stay in London).
    • letter 4 (ПВГ 23/24, writing to your future self)
  • News Reports

    News report = News article

    • news report 1 (based on an extract from "Harry Potter");
    • news report 2 — olympic (based on two pictures, the year of cultural heritage in Russia, задание ПВГ, отбор, 5–9 классы);
    • news report 3 — olympic (based on a picture, charity event description, задание ПВГ, финал, 5–9 классы);
    • news report 4 — olympic (based on a picture, charity event description, задание ПВГ, финал, 5–9 классы);
    • news report 5 — olympic (based on a picture, charity event description, задание ПВГ, финал, 5–9 классы);
    • news report 6 — olympic (based on a picture, charity event description, задание ПВГ, финал, 5–9 классы);
    • news report 7 — olympic (based on a picture, charity event description, задание ПВГ, финал, 5–9 классы);
    • news report 8 — olympic (based on two pictures, the year of cultural heritage in Russia, задание ПВГ, отбор, 10–11 классы);
    • news report 9 — olympic (based on two pictures, the year of cultural heritage in Russia, задание ПВГ, отбор, 10–11 классы);
    • news report 10 (based on a picture, aliens arrival).
  • Notes

    • note 1 (переписка учителя и родителя); 
    • note 2 (воровская записка);
    • note 3 (записка соседу);
    • note 4 — olympic (записка одноклассникам, задание Всеросса, ШЭ, 5–6 классы);
    • note 5 — olympic (записка другу, задание Всеросса, ШЭ, 5–6 классы).
  • Online Messages

  • Reviews

    • review 1 (based on a short film "My Shoes");
    • review 2 (based on a short story "Examination Day");
    • review 3 — olympic (your favourite play by Shakespeare; задание ШЭ для 9–11 классов);
    • review 4 — olympic (review on a recently bought gadget, задание МЭ для 7–8 классов);
    • review 5 (based on a short film "Le Retour").
  • Freestyle

    • comment 1 — olympic (comment on a given extract, задание СПбГУ, финал, 10–11 классы);
    • comment 2 — olympic (comment on a story in pictures, задание СПбГУ, финал, 10–11 классы);
    • comment 3 — olympic (comment on a quote, задание СПбГУ, финал, 10–11 классы);
    • comment 4 — olympic (comment on a statement, задание СПбГУ, финал, 10–11 классы);
    • comment 5 — olympic (10 examples of healthy eating, задание СПбГУ, финал, 10–11 классы);
    • advertisement 1 — olympic (based on pictures, задание Ведомственной олимпиады, финал, 11 класс).
    • text completion 1 — olympic (completing a dialogue, задание Ведомственной олимпиады, финал, 11 класс).
    • comment 12 — olympic (comment on a given extract (koalas), задание СПбГУ, финал, 10–11 классы);
    • comment 13 — olympic (comment on a quote about attitude, задание СПбГУ, финал, 10–11 классы);
  • Introductions

  • Titles

  • Linking Words

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