Как писать Story based on a picture (рассказ по картинке)?

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В разделе Writing на олимпиадах часто встречается задание «рассказ по картинке». Например:

На первый взгляд, основная сложность — придумать сюжет и внятно его изложить (как, собственно, и в любом другом формате short story). Однако именно в рассказе по картинке есть дополнительный подводный камень, отсутствующий в других вариациях short story. Это — привязка к картинке. 

Пример задания

Write your own version of the story based on the picture.

Remember to:

  • include a title;
  • describe events in an entertaining way;
  • include elements of direct speech, description of feelings and emotions;
  • make an unexpected ending.

Write 220–250 words.

В этой статье мы не будем рассматривать, как описывать события in an entertaining way, а также как сделать unexpected ending. Сосредоточимся только на требовании ‘based on the picture’. Если такое требование присутствует, то бóльшая часть сюжета должна происходить «в картинке». История знает трагические случаи, когда в некоторых регионах на РЭ ВсОШ ставили нули, ссылаясь на отсутствие связи между картинкой и рассказом (при этом связь с картинкой была, но основной сюжет шел вне изображения).

Пример «оторванного» от картинки сюжета

В этом примере есть всего пара строк, относящихся непосредственно к изображению: “Adam sighed, yet put his son behind his back and took a vacuum cleaner. Thousands of toys, as it seemed, were scattered over the floor.” Все остальное происходит вне картинки и дает жюри возможность отвергнуть данную работу. 


“Never have I ever… slept enough,” Adam muttered. Jess looked at him with exhaustion in her eyes, barely holding eyelids open and muttered something unintelligible. Her eyes shut down, her body fell motionless on the mattress, her pale bony limbs positioned in a seemingly lifeless manner.

He raised his own body from the bedside, straining all his muscles into this tiny bit of movement, while fatigue slowly spread through his veins. He had almost reached the living room when…

A piercing “AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA” made Adam’s brain remember he has a son, who was clearly not happy about Adam’s plans to peacefully sit in the kitchen with a giant mug of the strongest coffee in the world. His son was much more about having fun right now, and entertaining the little beast was Adam’s duty while Jess could have at least an hour of sleep.

Duty… His duty… Gosh! Household duties! Neither Adam nor his wife have done any cleaning for weeks. Their child did have enough energy to clean up though, but with his height of less than a meter and a mouth not capable of pronouncing a word it was a bit troublesome to make him do anything useful but for eating grass on the lawn instead of cutting it.

Adam sighed, yet put his son behind his back and took a vacuum cleaner. Thousands of toys, as it seemed, were scattered over the floor. Thousands of them… Thousands… Tho…


“Maybe cleaning up all the Lego pieces before vacuum-cleaning was a good idea,” Adam was thinking, when a cat jumped right onto his face.

“Oh, I have a cat too… Indeed…”

Примеры привязанных к картинке сюжетов

А вот примеры сюжетов, в которых связь с фотографией прослеживается гораздо лучше. 

В этом рассказе с картинкой тесно связан второй абзац. Упоминаются детали (например, детское кресло, привязанное к родителю), подробно описан процесс уборки — именно он изображен на фотографии.


“I’ve got too much work at the office today, so I’ll get home late. Pick Mary from the kindergarten and clean the house, please,” told Mrs Brown her husband when she called him. It seemed like that evening would be a nightmare for Mr Brown! The first task wasn’t a challenge at all. A nursery nurse handed Mr Brown the girl and wished him a nice evening. However, the worst was yet to come. At home, Mary cried and banged toys down. “How can I clean the house in this chaos?” the father screamed.

Fortunately, Mr Brown’s degree in Engineering wasn’t a waste of time. “You’ll clean the house with me,” he told Mary, put her in a driving seat for children and tied the seat to his backpack. “Now we can vacuum!” he exclaimed, completely satisfied with his creativity. With Mary on his back, Mr Brown looked like a real ghostbuster. He courageously fought with dust on the floor, reaching the most remote corners of the flat. Mary couldn’t help laughing, she had never played a funnier game before. 

A few hours later, the flat couldn’t be recognised. Exactly at that moment, the door opened and Mrs Brown walked in the flat. “Wow! It seems like I got to Buckingham Palace by mistake! But… Who’s this girl? Where is Mary?” Oh, Mr Brown failed his mission.

В следующем примере связь с картинкой также очень прочная: есть и детали (‘chewing his thumb’), и описание процесса уборки, и передача эмоций и мыслей. Около половины текста напрямую отражает содержание фотографии


“Why do I have a child at all,” Nick was thinking while trying to clear up all the mess created by his son, Chaos. Chaos, meanwhile, was sitting peacefully on his back in a sling, chewing his thumb and contemplating the role of apple puree in his life.

“Why am I here at all? Didn’t I want to become a ballet dancer when I was eighteen? Why am I standing here with a child behind my back, vacuum cleaning and sorting these toy cubes? What did go wrong? And WHEN?” Nick muttered these words aloud, but they died out in the vacuum cleaner roars. 

To — and fro, to — and fro went the vacuum cleaner in his hands. “Why — am I here? Why — am I here?” went the words in the man’s head. In the nearby room his wife was trying to get rid of Chaos’s drawings on the wall. She was also a ballet dancer, when eighteen. She must be asking the very same questions to herself now.

Nick was awfully tired. He turned off the vacuum cleaner and now there was deafening silence all around him. He sat on the couch, closed his eyes, breathed out. He was so awfully tired, he wanted to sleep so badly. He leaned his back on the couch, trying to forget about everything. Awful pain pierced his shoulder. Chaos didn’t like the fact that he was leaned on and bit his dad with ferocious violence. 

When you forget about Chaos, it attacks you.


Итак, делаем вывод: чтобы у жюри не было возможности придраться, максимально встраиваем сюжет в изображение :) В этом могут помочь следующие приемы:

  • упоминайте больше предметов / персонажей, присутствующих на картинке;
  • по возможности вписывайте сюжет в локацию, изображенную на картинке;
  • придумывайте компактные сюжеты, которые не растягиваются на дни или, что еще хуже, месяцы и годы.

Good luck and have fun with pics :)

© Екатерина Яковлева, 2016–2024