На этой странице собраны все задания по письму, в которых требуется написать от 150 до 250 слов.

Writing a Fairy Tale — 1

Compose a fairy tale based on oneof the given sayings:

  • A chain is only as strong as its weakest link.
  • Revenge is a dish best served cold.
  • Too many cooks spoil the broth.

Use your imagination. Your fairy tale must have:

  • Title
  • Good and bad characters
  • Setting (when and where the story is taking place)
  • Plot (sequence of ordered events)
  • Morale (which supports the saying)

You should write 200–250 words.

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Writing a Fairy Tale — 2

Compose a fairy tale based on oneof the given sayings:

  • A stitch in time saves nine.
  • You can’t teach an old dog new tricks.
  • Rob Peter to pay Paul.

Use your imagination. Your fairy tale must have:

  • Title
  • Good and bad characters
  • Setting (when and where the story is taking place)
  • Plot (sequence of ordered events)
  • Morale (which supports the saying)

You should write 200–250 words.

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Writing a Fairy Tale — 3

Compose a fairy tale based on oneof the given sayings:

  • When in Rome, do as the Romans do.
  • Once bitten, twice shy.
  • Every cloud has a silver lining.

Use your imagination. Your fairy tale must have:

  • Title
  • Good and bad characters
  • Setting (when and where the story is taking place)
  • Plot (sequence of ordered events)
  • Morale (which supports the saying)

You should write 200–250 words.

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Writing a Fairy Tale — 4

Compose a fairy tale based on oneof the given sayings:

  • Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
  • Two blacks don’t make a white.
  • The darkest hour is just before the dawn.

Use your imagination. Your fairy tale must have:

  • Title
  • Good and bad characters
  • Setting (when and where the story is taking place)
  • Plot (sequence of ordered events)
  • Morale (which supports the saying)

You should write 200–250 words.

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Writing a Fairy Tale — 5

Compose a fairy tale based on oneof the given sayings:

  • There’s no smoke without fire.
  • Waste not want not.
  • People who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones.

Use your imagination. Your fairy tale must have:

  • Title
  • Good and bad characters
  • Setting (when and where the story is taking place)
  • Plot (sequence of ordered events)
  • Moral (which supports the saying)

You should write 200–250 words.

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Writing a Fairy Tale — 6

Write a fairy tale based on oneof the given sayings:

  • God helps those who help themselves.
  • Those who chase two rabbits at once will catch neither.
  • All's well that ends well.

Use your imagination. Your fairy tale must have:

  • A title
  • Good and bad characters
  • A setting (when and where the story is taking place)
  • A plot (sequence of ordered events)
  • A morale (which supports the saying)

Total: 200–250 words.

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Writing a Letter — 1


You bought an acre of land on the Moon from the online company Lunar Land. However, you were not satisfied with the quality of your order when it arrived.

Look at the screenshots of the Lunar Land site and the notes which you have made (Page 2). Then write a letter of complaint to the manager of the company. Mention all the information from your notes and ask for a solution that will suit you.

Write about 150–180 words.


Report 4 Chart 1

Образец ответа

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to express my extreme dissatisfaction with the quality of the service provided by your company. Last week I bought a Premium Moon Package advertised on your site. Although the order was easy to make and arrived on time, my initial positive impression was completely ruined by the contents of the package.

To begin with, my name on the certificate is spelt incorrectly, being 'Homes' instead of 'Holmes'. Secondly, there is no Lunar Land Pledge, in spite of it being listed among the documents included in every package. Finally, I discovered that the location indicated on my Moon Map coincides completely with that of my friend's, who also happens to be a Moon land owner. Either these identical coordinates are a technical mistake, or your claim about not selling any property twice is untrue.

I feel that the service described above cannot be called appropriate, which therefore forces me to request a full refund of the price of the package. Unless compensated, I will have no choice but to take matters further.

Yours faithfully,

Helen Holmes

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Посмотреть разбор ответов на это задание: ответ 1.

Writing a Letter — 2

Task A: Advertisement

Choose one of the products from the pictures below and write an advertisement describing this product. In your advertisement:

  • mention at least 3 special features of the product;
  • make the product look attractive for the potential customer.

Make sure that your description matches the picture you have chosen. 

Write 100–120 words.

Product 1: Pyjamas

Product 2: Electric Toothbrush

Product 3: Wireless Headphones

Task B: Letter of Complaint

Now imagine that you are a customer who read the advertisement written in Task A. You got interested in the product and bought it. However, the purchase was disappointing. Write a letter of complaint to the manager of the company. In your letter:

  • complain about the quality of the product, comparing its real qualities with those listed in the advertisement;
  • ask for a solution that will suit you.

Write 150–180 words.

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Writing a Letter — 3

Imagine that today is the first day of your holidays in London. Write a letter to your parents describing your stay.

Remember to

  • write about the trip from your city to London;
  • describe the place you are staying at;
  • mention the places of interest you have already visited;
  • share your impressions.

Write about 180–200 words

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Writing a News Report — 1

Imagine that you, being a news reporter, have to cover the start-of-term banquet in Hogwarts. Watch the video to gather the information and write your news article in 200–250 words.

In your news article describe:

  • the Great Hall where the event took place;
  • the guests;
  • the food;
  • what the guests did during the banquet.

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Writing a News Report — 10

The newspaper you work for has asked you to cover the recent arrival of an alien ship. Write a news report in about 200–250 words.

Your news report should:

  • name the date and the place;
  • describe the event;
  • signify the importance of the event.

Make sure that all your descriptions match the picture below.

News Report встречался на олимпиадах «Покори Воробьёвы горы!» и «Ломоносов».

Образец ответа

Seattle receives extraterrestrial guests

A large alien spaceship appeared in the sky above Seattle, Washington, yesterday evening. After remaining stationary for several hours, it flew away, leaving no trace behind. More than 300,000 people witnessed the event.

Mr Cruncher, one of the first witnesses, reported having seen the spacecraft at about 6:15 p.m.: "It was an unusual shadow that caught my attention. I looked up — and there it was, enormous and intimidating!". The object, a grayish-white disc, about 200 meters in diameter, hung still in the air for nearly 5 hours. It was monitored constantly by 9 helicopters, sent by the local government.

In spite of close surveillance, very little information was gathered, since the interior of the ship was impenetrable. Neither was it possible to take samples of the materials composing the vessel (presumably, they are an alloy of steel and nickel). The ship showed no signs of working engines, therefore it remains unclear what kind of power it uses to travel throughout space. Another grey area is whether the spaceship was manned or controlled automatically.

The event received worldwide attention both in scientific communities and among ordinary people. This is the first time that the existence of aliens has been publicly witnessed and carefully documented. Scientists predict further visits which will throw new light on the event. "We finally know that we're not alone in the Universe, and further contacts are bound to be established", commented Mr. Daniel Flumpengo, a paranormal research expert in Stanford University.

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Writing a News Report — 2

Imagine that this is the year of CULTURAL HERITAGE in Russia and all over the world and you, being a news reporter, have to write a news article (200–250 words) describing the two pictures below. Your correct answer gives you 40 points.

Follow the plan:

  1. Name the date and the places.
  2. Describe the places in the pictures.
  3. Signify the importance of these places.
  4. Make up some special events held there.

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Writing a News Report — 3

TASK 4. WRITING (60 points)

(40 minutes, 200–250 words)

Your school magazine asked you to write a news report on the recent CHARITY event in your town called “Let Children Study” the aim of which was to raise money for building schools in poor villages.

Write your report. Follow the format and the style of report writing.

Follow the plan:

  • Name the date, the place and the event;
  • Describe what people are doing in the picture;
  • Signify the result and importance of this event;
  • Introduce peoples’ opinions.

Олимпиада «Покори Воробьёвы горы!» 2015/16, финал, 5–9 классы.

(по ссылке откроется архив .zip)

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Writing a News Report — 4

TASK 4. WRITING (60 points)

(40 minutes, 200–250 words)

Your school magazine asked you to write a news report on the recent CHARITY event in your town called “Let Children Study” the aim of which was to raise money for building schools in poor villages.

Write your report. Follow the format and the style of report writing.

Follow the plan:

  • Name the date, the place and the event;
  • Describe what people are doing in the picture;
  • Signify the result and importance of this event;
  • Introduce peoples’ opinions.

Олимпиада «Покори Воробьёвы горы!» 2015/16, финал, 5–9 классы.

(по ссылке откроется архив .zip)

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Writing a News Report — 5

TASK 4. WRITING (60 points)

(40 minutes, 200–250 words)

Your school magazine asked you to write a news report on the recent CHARITY event in your town called “Let Children Study” the aim of which was to raise money for building schools in poor villages.

Write your report. Follow the format and the style of report writing.

Follow the plan:

  • Name the date, the place and the event;
  • Describe what people are doing in the picture;
  • Signify the result and importance of this event;
  • Introduce peoples’ opinions.

Олимпиада «Покори Воробьёвы горы!» 2015/16, финал, 5–9 классы.

(по ссылке откроется архив .zip)

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Writing a News Report — 6

TASK 4. WRITING (60 points)

(40 minutes, 200–250 words)

Your school magazine asked you to write a news report on the recent CHARITY event in your town called “Let Children Study” the aim of which was to raise money for building schools in poor villages.

Write your report. Follow the format and the style of report writing.

Follow the plan:

  • Name the date, the place and the event;
  • Describe what people are doing in the picture;
  • Signify the result and importance of this event;
  • Introduce peoples’ opinions.

Олимпиада «Покори Воробьёвы горы!» 2015/16, финал, 5–9 классы.

(по ссылке откроется архив .zip)

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Writing a News Report — 7

TASK 4. WRITING (60 points)

(40 minutes, 200–250 words)

Your school magazine asked you to write a news report on the recent CHARITY event in your town called “Let Children Study” the aim of which was to raise money for building schools in poor villages.

Write your report. Follow the format and the style of report writing.

Follow the plan:

  • Name the date, the place and the event;
  • Describe what people are doing in the picture;
  • Signify the result and importance of this event;
  • Introduce peoples’ opinions.

Олимпиада «Покори Воробьёвы горы!» 2015/16, финал, 5–9 классы.

(по ссылке откроется архив .zip)

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Writing a News Report — 8

Imagine that this is the year of CULTURAL HERITAGE in Russia and all over the world and you, being a news reporter, have to write a news article (200–250 words) describing the two pictures below. Your correct answer gives you 40 points.

Follow the plan:

  1. Name the date and the places.
  2. Describe the places in the pictures.
  3. Signify the importance of these places.
  4. Make up some special events held there.

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Writing a News Report — 9

Imagine that this is the year of CULTURAL HERITAGE in Russia and all over the world and you, being a news reporter, have to write a news article (200–250 words) describing the two pictures below. Your correct answer gives you 40 points.

Follow the plan:

  1. Name the date and the places.
  2. Describe the places in the pictures.
  3. Signify the importance of these places.
  4. Make up some special events held there.

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Writing a Report — 1

Imagine that you are a linguist doing research into the dialogues in children's animated films. You have collected some data on the ways female characters are complimented (see the charts below). Write a brief report describing the changes you have noticed comparing Disney movies over the years.

Use the following words in your report (put them in the correct grammar form if necessary):

  1. praise
  2. average
  3. ability
  4. appearance
  5. pattern

Underline the required words when used in your report.

Write 220–250 words.

Use the following plan:

  • make an opening statement;
  • give some general information outlining the trend, analyze the information given in the charts;
  • suggest possible reasons for the changes happening;
  • make a conclusion.

Report 1

Образец ответа

Subject: Changing Compliments Patterns in Disney Movies


The linguistic analysis of the dialogues from 12 Disney movies appearing over the period 1937–2013 has revealed certain alterations in the nature of the compliments paid to female characters. This report aims at outlining the discovered changes and explaining the reasons behind them.


In classic Disney animated films female characters receive several times the amount of praise for their appearance as for their skills and abilities. For instance, Snow White and Sleeping Beauty have respectively 83% and 58% compliments related to the way they look. The same trend generally remains during the renaissance Disney period, although it must be noted that it is then that a character appears (namely Pocahontas, 1995), who is given credit for her skills rather than attractiveness. In most recent films the role of beauty-related compliments is noticeably lower — 20% on average, while showing respect for competence has risen in frequency, making up almost half of the total compliments in every film since 2009.


Differing compliment patterns might have been caused by the changing perception of women's role in society. When a woman was primarily regarded as wife and mother, her value was mostly based on appearance. A shift towards engagement in activities other than household and motherhood was, in its turn, naturally followed by the increase in ability-related compliments.


To conclude, the quality of the compliments given to female characters in Disney movies has significantly altered, reflecting the ways societal values have transformed over the past 76 years.

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