Offer and Suggest — упражнения


Глаголы offer и suggest различаются как по смыслу, так и структурно. Offer близок по значению к русским словам «дать», «угостить» и «вызваться», а suggest — к словам «посоветовать», «выдвинуть идею». После offer идет или существительное, или инфинитив, а после suggest – существительное, герундий или придаточное предложение. Подробно обо всем этом можно почитать в статье «В чем разница между offer и suggest?» 


Интерактивное упражнение доступно по этой ссылке: Offer or Suggest? (ответы в нем проверяются автоматически) 

Содержание упражнения:

  • 10 вопросов, из которых 5 на выбор между offer и suggest, 3 — на выбор правильной структуры, 2 — на перевод с русского на английский.

Если вам по каким-либо причинам не хочется использовать удобное и приятное интерактивное упражнение, то ниже находится простая текстовая версия. 

Task 1. Write 'offer' or 'suggest' in the appropriate form.

  1. ‘I'll do it,’ she ______________.
  2. ‘Shall I tell them you’re unwell?’ Alice ______________ helpfully.
  3. ‘We could go for a drive.’ Nate ______________ hopefully.
  4. A number of groups ______________ their services free of charge.
  5. A solution immediately ______________ itself to me
  6. Can I ______________ you something to drink?
  7. Can you ______________ a good dictionary?
  8. The novel implicitly ______________ that racism can explain the murder.
  9. Can you ______________ how I might contact him?
  10. The course ______________ the opportunity to specialize in the final year.
  11. Can you ______________ what kind of tool I should use? 
  12. He did not ______________ any explanation for his behaviour.
  13. He ______________ $4 000 for the car.
  14. I ______________ you call him first.
  15. He ______________ some useful advice.
  16. The kids ______________ to do the dishes.
  17. He ______________ to the committee that they delay making a decision.
  18. Her mother ______________ that she should go and see the doctor.
  19. The newspaper ______________ to apologise for the article.
  20. How dare you ______________ such a thing?
  21. I did what I could to ______________ comfort to the family.
  22. I ______________ going in my car.
  23. She ______________ Paris as a good place for the conference.
  24. I don’t need any help, but it was nice of you to ______________.
  25. I don't think they need help, but I think I should ______________ anyway.
  26. The evidence ______________ quite strongly that the fire was caused by an explosion.
  27. They decided to ______________ Jo the job.
  28. I gratefully took the cup of coffee she ______________ me.
  29. I strongly ______________ keeping personal and business accounts separate.
  30. I ______________ that we go out to eat.
  31. The job didn't ______________ any prospects for promotion.
  32. I would respectfully ______________ a different explanation for the company’s decline.
  33. The hotel ______________ excellent facilities for families.
  34. I would ______________ that you see your doctor about this.
  35. It has been ______________ that bright children take their exams early.
  36. It has been ______________ that the manager will resign if any more players are sold.
  37. Johnson ______________ to Boswell that they should buy the island.
  38. Josie had ______________ her services as a guide.
  39. Maureen lit a cigarette and ______________ one to Lucy.
  40. The police are ______________ a reward for any information.
  41. They decided to ______________ the job to Jo.
  42. May I ______________ a white wine with this dish, Sir?
  43. They are ______________ a reward for the return of their cat.
  44. My dad has ______________ to pick us up.
  45. She ______________ John as chairman.
  46. Taylor ______________ him 500 dollars to do the work.
  47. The Centre ______________ a wide range of sports facilities.
  48. The drama school ______________ places to students who can show talent.
  49. May I ______________ that you think carefully before rushing into this?
  50. They ______________ him a very good job, but he turned it down.
  51. The zoo asked its visitors to ______________ a name for the new baby panda.
  52. They’ve ______________ us £75,000 for the house.
  53. Tracey ______________ meeting for a drink after work.
  54. Who would you ______________ for the job?
  55. Your doctor should be able to ______________ advice on diet.

Task 2. Tick all the correct answers.

1. I suggest ____________ to eat.

  • that we go out
  • we go out
  • us going out
  • us to go out
  • going out

2. I suggested ____________ in my car.

  • going
  • to go
  • us going
  • that we should go 

3. It has been suggested ____________ their exams early.

  • that bright children take
  • that bright children should take
  • that bright children taking
  • to bright children to take 

4. They decided to offer ____________.

  • the job to Jo
  • giving Jo the job
  • Jo the job 

5. Can you suggest ____________?

  • how I might contact him
  • me contacting him
  • me how to contact him 

6. He suggested ____________ making a decision.

  • to the committee that they delay
  • the committee to delay
  • the committee that they delay
  • to the committee to delay 

7. The kids offered ____________ the dishes.

  • to do
  • me doing
  • me to do
  • doing 

8. I strongly suggest ____________ personal and business accounts separate.

  • keeping
  • that you keep
  • you keeping
  • you to keep 

9. I would suggest ____________ your doctor about this.

  • that you see
  • you to see
  • you seeing
  • your seeing
  • seeing 

10. She suggested ____________.

  • John as chairman
  • that John being chairman
  • John to be chairman 

11. Her mother suggested ____________ the doctor.

  • that she should go and see
  • her that she should go and see
  • she went and saw
  • to go and see
  • her to go and see 

12. The newspaper offered ____________ for the article.

  • to apologise
  • him to apologise
  • apologising 

13. I suggest ____________ him first.

  • you call
  • her to call
  • that you should call
  • you to call 

14. Johnson suggested ____________ the island.

  • to Boswell that they should buy
  • Boswell that they should buy
  • Boswell to buy
  • to Boswell to buy
  • to Boswell that they buy 

15. Tracey suggested ____________ for a drink after work.

  • meeting
  • to meeting
  • meet
  • to meet 

16. Can you suggest ____________? 

  • what kind of tool I should use
  • me to use this tool
  • me what kind of tool I should use 

17. My dad has offered ____________.

  • to pick us up
  • us to pick me
  • picking us up 

18. May I suggest ____________ before rushing into this? 

  • that you think carefully
  • that you should think carefully
  • you that you think carefully
  • you to think carefully

Task 3. Translate these sentences into English:

К этому заданию ответов нет.

  1. И что ты предлагаешь делать?
  2. Мы почти отчаялись, но вдруг Джек предложил отличную идею.
  3. Майку предложили работу на почте, но он не заинтересовался.
  4. Он предложил мне купить у него слона. 
  5. Мама предлагает нам собраться всем вместе 5-го марта. 
  6. Я бы не советовал разжигать костер в такую сухую погоду. 
  7. Машина не работает, так что я предлагаю идти пешком. 
  8. Это ты предложил, чтобы Дэн тоже участвовал в проекте?
  9. Учитель предложил родителям связаться с ним, если у них будут вопросы. 
  10. Он предложил мне сыра и хлеба, но я отказалась.
  11. Кто предложил сигареты этому ребенку?
  12. Я предлагаю выбрать самые лучшие картины и организовать выставку.
  13. Мы не виноваты, он сам вызвался это сделать.
  14. Если незнакомый человек предлагает тебе на улице конфету — не бери. 
  15. Если незнакомый человек предлагает тебе пойти к нему в гости — не соглашайся. 
  16. Что бы ты делала, если бы тебе предложили уволиться с работы и уехать на необитаемый остров?
  17. Доктор сказал, чтобы она принимала это лекарство дважды в день в течение месяца.
  18. У меня была очень тяжелая сумка. Я обрадовалась, когда Винсент предложил донести ее до моего дома. 
  19. Я предлагаю не заказывать отель, а ночевать в палатках на берегу озера. 
  20. Я не предлагаю тебе идти прямо сейчас. Ты можешь присоединиться к нам позже.
  21. Мне не очень нравится идея идти в музей. Может, предложишь что-нибудь другое?
  22. Мы приносим вам свои извинения за предоставленные неудобства. 
  23. Шел сильный дождь, поэтому Джейн была рада, что Питер предложил подвезти ее до работы. 
  24. Мои соседи предложили мне посмотреть за моей кошкой, пока я буду в командировке. 
  25. Чай с хлебом — больше мне нечего тебе предложить, у меня вся еда закончилась. 
  26. Она предложила 1000 долларов за мою старую скрипку.
  27. Школа предлагает полугодовой курс по программированию.
  28. Я предлагаю отложить собрание до следующей недели.
  29. Позвольте предложить вам что-нибудь выпить.
  30. Мастер предложил нам купить новую плиту, но у нас на это не было денег.
  31. Я предложил остановиться в отеле Айви.
  32. Он вызвался нам помочь.
  33. Вы можете предложить хорошего кандидата на эту должность?
  34. Они предложили ему хорошую работу.
  35. Что бы я ни предлагал делать, они отвергали все мои идеи.


Task 1

  1. ‘I'll do it,’ she offered.
  2. ‘Shall I tell them you’re unwell?’ Alice suggested helpfully.
  3. ‘We could go for a drive.’ Nate suggested hopefully.
  4. A number of groups offer their services free of charge.
  5. A solution immediately suggested itself to me
  6. Can I offer you something to drink?
  7. Can you suggest a good dictionary?
  8. The novel implicitly suggests that racism can explain the murder.
  9. Can you suggest how I might contact him?
  10. The course offers the opportunity to specialize in the final year.
  11. Can you suggest what kind of tool I should use? 
  12. He did not offer any explanation for his behaviour.
  13. He offered $4 000 for the car.
  14. I suggest you call him first.
  15. He offered some useful advice.
  16. The kids offered to do the dishes.
  17. He suggested to the committee that they delay making a decision.
  18. Her mother suggested that she should go and see the doctor.
  19. The newspaper offered to apologise for the article.
  20. How dare you suggest such a thing?
  21. I did what I could to offer comfort to the family.
  22. I suggested going in my car.
  23. She suggested Paris as a good place for the conference.
  24. I don’t need any help, but it was nice of you to offer.
  25. I don't think they need help, but I think I should offer anyway.
  26. The evidence suggests quite strongly that the fire was caused by an explosion.
  27. They decided to offer Jo the job.
  28. I gratefully took the cup of coffee she offered me.
  29. I strongly suggest keeping personal and business accounts separate.
  30. I suggest that we go out to eat.
  31. The job didn't offer any prospects for promotion.
  32. I would respectfully suggest a different explanation for the company’s decline.
  33. The hotel offers excellent facilities for families.
  34. I would suggest that you see your doctor about this.
  35. It has been suggested that bright children take their exams early.
  36. It has been suggested that the manager will resign if any more players are sold.
  37. Johnson suggested to Boswell that they should buy the island.
  38. Josie had offered her services as a guide.
  39. Maureen lit a cigarette and offered one to Lucy.
  40. The police are offering a reward for any information.
  41. They decided to offer the job to Jo.
  42. May I suggest a white wine with this dish, Sir?
  43. They are offering a reward for the return of their cat.
  44. My dad has offered to pick us up.
  45. She suggested John as chairman.
  46. Taylor offered him 500 dollars to do the work.
  47. The Centre offers a wide range of sports facilities.
  48. The drama school offers places to students who can show talent.
  49. May I suggest that you think carefully before rushing into this?
  50. They offered him a very good job, but he turned it down.
  51. The zoo asked its visitors to suggest a name for the new baby panda.
  52. They’ve offered us £75,000 for the house.
  53. Tracey suggested meeting for a drink after work.
  54. Who would you suggest for the job?
  55. Your doctor should be able to offer advice on diet.

Task 2

  1. that we go out; we go out; going out.
  2. going; that we should go.
  3. that bright children take; that bright children should take.
  4. the job to Jo; Jo the job.
  5. how I might contact him.
  6. to the committee that they delay.
  7. to do.
  8. keeping; that you keep.
  9. that you see; seeing; your seeing.
  10. John as chairman.
  11. that she should go and see; she went and saw.
  12. to apologise.
  13. you call; that you should call.
  14. to Boswell that they should buy; to Boswell that they buy.
  15. meeting.
  16. what kind of tool I should use.
  17. to pick us up.
  18. that you think carefully; that you should think carefully.

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