Writing a Report — 15

You have 45 minutes to complete the task.

You recently attended an English language course. At the end of the course you were given the following letter:

We hope you have enjoyed studying with us. In order to plan future courses we would be grateful if you could write a short report giving us your views of the course covering:

  • the quality of teaching;
  • the use of modern technological equipment;
  • the variability of textbooks;
  • dining facilities;
  • the convenience of the timetable.

We would also like to hear your suggestions on the possible changes and improvements to be made.

Thank you in advance.

Mrs Galway

The Principal

Write your report for the Principal (around 200–250 words).

Remember to:

  • include a title and subtitles;
  • use appropriate style;
  • organize the information logically.

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Writing a Story — 17

You have 60 minutes to complete the task.

Write a short story based on an episode from school life.

In your story:

  1. Follow the rules of short story writing;
  2. Use direct and / or indirect speech;
  3. Describe feelings and emotions;
  4. Make an unexpected ending;
  5. Use the following words at least once:
    • play truant
    • cheat sheet
    • detention
    • dunce
    • terrific

Write 220–250 words.

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Writing a Story — 36

You have decided to enter a contest held by an English-language club at school. Write a short story for this contest.

In your story:

  1. follow the rules of short story writing;
  2. use direct speech at least twice;
  3. describe feelings and emotions;
  4. make the picture part of the narration;
  5. use the following words at least once:

(underline the word from the list when using it for the first time)

  • flabbergasted, adj
  • seize,V
  • look up to, V
  • mutely, adv
  • viral, adj

The verbs may be used in any tense form. Write 220—250 words.

Story 36

Скачать это задание (PDF).

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