Writing an Essay — 51
Read the following task and write an essay.
Provide the comparison and contrast of how two book characters view an important theme/issue. The essay must contain references to particular titles of novels/stories/poems, etc. The chosen classic authors can belong either to the national (Russian) or international (world) literary movements.
Which two book characters represent opposing views on art?
Paragraph 1, the introduction, must contain brief information on the chosen writers/poets, the literary movement and the epoch they belong to as well as the scope of aspects to be analyzed.
Paragraphs 2 and 3 must contain the analysis of the chosen writers’/poets’ views on the theme/issue under consideration. Each paragraph must start with the topic sentence (the main idea of the paragraph). Each paragraph must contain at least 2 examples/arguments supporting your analysis.
Paragraph 4, the conclusion, must contain your own perspective on the theme/issue.
Write at least 300 words.
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