Writing a Report — 17

(60 minutes, 250-300 words)

An English magazine has a weekly column called “Education in the 21st century”. As part of their new investigation into educational issues, they have asked you to write a report based on your own research of the modern preferences of British students who take national exams in secondary education (GCSE).

In your report:

  1. Compare the rates of Chemistry and Foreign Languages in 2005, 2010 and 2014.
  2. Explain the changes in rates.
  3. Name the possible future changes in the education of the UK.

Do not forget to follow the rules of report writing and use an appropriate style.

Report 17 Chart 1

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Writing a Report — 41

TASK 5. WRITING (60 points)

(40 minutes, 250-300 words)

Imagine that your school magazine has a weekly column called“Education Today”. As part of their investigation into modern trends, they have asked you to write a news report based on the results of your own survey demonstrated in the table below.

 In your report say:

  1. who participated in the survey;
  2. what changes or trends can be seen comparing the data in the table below;
  3. what are the possible reasons for such trends;
  4. how the situation might develop in the future.

Remember the rules of news report writing. Make sure your report has:

- a headline

- a byline and a placeline

- a lead paragraph  

- body paragraphs

- a conclusion


Олимпиада «Покори Воробьёвы горы!» 2019/20, финал, 10–11 классы, вариант 6.

Report 41 Chart 1

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Writing a Report — 48

(40 minutes, 250–300 words)

Imagine that your school magazine has a weekly column called "Education Today". As part of their investigation into modern trends, they have asked you to write a news report based on the results of your own survey demonstrated in the table below.

In your report say:

  1. who participated in the survey; 
  2. what changes and trends can be seen comparing the data in the table below; 
  3. what are the possible reasons for such trends; 
  4. how the situation might develop in the future. 

Remember the rules of news report writing. Make sure your report has:

  • a headline
  • a byline and a placeline
  • a lead paragraph
  • body paragraphs
  • a conclusion

Report 48 Chart 1

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Writing a Story — 36

You have decided to enter a contest held by an English-language club at school. Write a short story for this contest.

In your story:

  1. follow the rules of short story writing;
  2. use direct speech at least twice;
  3. describe feelings and emotions;
  4. make the picture part of the narration;
  5. use the following words at least once:

(underline the word from the list when using it for the first time)

  • flabbergasted, adj
  • seize,V
  • look up to, V
  • mutely, adv
  • viral, adj

The verbs may be used in any tense form. Write 220—250 words.

Story 36

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Writing an Essay — 30

You will have to comment on the following quotation:

“Education’s purpose is to replace an empty mind with an open one.”

(Malcolm Forbes, 1919–1990, US magazine publisher)

Write about 180–200 words in the lines provided below.

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Writing an Essay — 35

You will have to comment on the following quotation:

“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”

(Nelson Mandela)

Write about 180–200 words in the lines provided below.

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Writing an Essay — 50

You will have to comment on the following quotation:

“The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet.”


Write about 180–200 words in the lines provided below.

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